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KORG - Wavestate Native v1.0.3 + Factory Content

KORG - Wavestate Native v1.0.3 + Factory Content Легендарный синтез, радикально переосмысленный. Органический, вдохновляющий и умопомрачительно мощный. А теперь — нативный плагин на Mac и Windows. Легендарная Wavestation от KORG представила миру волновой секвенсор, преобразовывая необработанные сэмплы в звуки, которые никто никогда раньше не слышал. Флагманские клавишные OASYS и KRONOS усовершенствовали Wave Sequence, расширив его уникальную палитру пышных, развивающихся пэдов и драйвовых ритмов.

KORG - Wavestate Native v1.0.3 + Factory Content Legendary synthesis, radically reimagined. Organic, inspiring & mind-blowingly powerful. And now - a native plugin on Mac and Windows. KORG's legendary Wavestation introduced the world to wave sequencing by converting raw samples into sounds no one has ever heard before. Flagship keyboards OASYS and KRONOS further developed the Wave Sequence, expanding its unique palette of lush, evolving pads and driving rhythms.


KORG - Wavestate Native v1.0.3 + Factory Content


In 2020, a well-known wave condition has taken wave sequencing to the next level. Featuring a radically reimagined Wave Sequencing 2.0, Wave Condition delivers amazing, ever-changing sounds with extensive hands-on control. Far from being a nostalgic reissue, wavestate is designed from the ground up for a new generation of musicians, producers and composers, taking cues from sources as diverse as modular synths, groove boxes and algorithmic composition.

Now Korg is proud to introduce the native wavestate, a fully compatible software equivalent of the wavestate hardware synthesizer. The native wavestate is available in VST3, AAX, and standalone formats for both macOS and Windows, as well as AU for macOS. You can easily exchange sounds between hardware and software. Create in your DAW with a native wave state, then play the same sounds on stage using the wave state hardware. Create sounds with a practical hardware interface, then share them with a colleague on your computer. In addition, you can use any of the many third-party sound and sample libraries available for the Wave hardware state.

Обновлено 10.05.2022 19:45


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