Native Instruments - Session Percussionist (KONTAKT)Native Instruments - Session Percussionist отличный инструмент для добавления органических грувов и текстур в вашу музыку, независимо от того, пишете ли вы поп, рок, хип-хоп, мир или любой другой жанр. Надеюсь, вам понравится использовать его так же, как и мне. Native Instruments - Session Percussionist for NI KONTAKT features authentic percussion performances. Featuring shakers, tambourines, congas, keyons and more, choose from 58 carefully selected instruments, each with a variety of mix variations. Get fast results with curated ensemble presets, each containing up to five instrument slots that can be played simultaneously or individually for unique expression. Download: Native Instruments - Session Percussionist (KONTAKT) part 1 Native Instruments - Session Percussionist (KONTAKT) part 2 Native Instruments - Session Percussionist (KONTAKT) part 3 Native Instruments - Session Percussionist (KONTAKT) is a percussion sampling engine that allows you to create realistic and authentic percussion arrangements with ease and fun. It features 58 different drum and percussion instruments, each with multiple mix variations, and over 2000 customizable rhythm patterns that you can edit with the step sequencer. You can also use the smart pattern searching feature to find patterns that match the rhythm of your compositions, and adjust the impact, roll velocity, and mic placement of your ensemble. Session Percussionist is compatible with both Kontakt and Kontakt Player, and you can download it from the Native Instruments website. You can also watch some video tutorials and demos on YouTube to learn more about its features and sound quality. Session Percussionist is a great tool for adding organic grooves and textures to your music, whether you are producing pop, rock, hip hop, world, or any other genre. I hope you enjoy using it as much as I do. |
Обновлено 08.10.2024 17:30 |
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Native Instruments - Play SeriNative Instruments - Play Series: HOMAGE (KONTAKT) Native Instruments - Play Series: HOMAGE для NI KONTAKT - lo-fi плагин для смешивания жанров. Зернистые мелодики и искаженные текстуры для хип-хоп-продукции. Исследуйте 150 ... Четверг, 23 Января 2025 Download: |
Musical Sampling - Parker OboeMusical Sampling - Parker Oboe (KONTAKT) Musical Sampling - Parker Oboe для KONTAKT - Библиотека настоящего легато-гобоя в исполнении доктора Эндрю Паркера, доцента кафедры гобоя в Техасском университете. Musical Sampling - Parker Oboe ... Понедельник, 18 Ноября 2024 Download: |
Ample Sound - Ample Guitar VCAmple Sound - Ample Guitar VC 3.7.0 Update (WIN/OSX) Ample Sound - Ample Guitar VC 3.7.0 Update (WIN/OSX). Ample Guitar VC привнесёт в вашу студию звук электрогитары Gibson SG Vintage 61. ... Понедельник, 7 Октября 2024 Download: |
Native Instruments – Conflux (Native Instruments – Conflux (KONTAKT) Native Instruments – Conflux (KONTAKT) первый в новом поколении инструментов Kontakt для экспериментального звукового оформления. Native Instruments – Conflux (KONTAKT). The first in a new generation of ... Понедельник, 7 Октября 2024 Download: |
Musical Sampling - Atelier SerMusical Sampling - Atelier Series: Austin Saxes (KONTAKT) Musical Sampling - Atelier Series: Austin Saxes (KONTAKT). Библиотека саксофонов с настоящим легато в исполнении сессионного музыканта и педагога Колина Хулихана. которая была ... Пятница, 26 Июля 2024 Download: |
Straight Ahead Samples - Big GStraight Ahead Samples - Big Growlin' Sax (KONTAKT) Straight Ahead Samples - Big Growlin' Sax (KONTAKT). Этот саксофон в режиме легато BGS превратит ваш миди в машину времени с такими горячими ... Среда, 24 Июля 2024 Download: |
Native Instruments - Scarbee SNative Instruments - Scarbee Sun Bass - Finger v1.1.0 (KONTAKT) Native Instruments - Scarbee Sun Bass - Finger v1.1.0 для KONTAKT включает 156 пресетов, демонстрирующих огромную универсальность этого инструмента и невероятное ... Суббота, 13 Июля 2024 Download: |
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Splash Sound - Epic Percussion
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IK Multimedia - Hammond B-3X 1
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Musical Sampling - N
Keyscape - 12 (KONTAKT)
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Past to Future Reverbs - 1880
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Fluffy Audio - Simple Violin (
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Native Instruments - Session B
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Auddict - Virtuoso Violin (KON
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Native Instruments -
Xtant Audio - Dicky Deegan’s U
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Rigid Audio - Sodium (KONTAKT)
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Toontrack - The Sixties EBX (S
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Native Instruments - Play Seri
Native Instruments -
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Fluffy Audio - Jazz Bass (KONT
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Toontrack - Gospel EZX (SOUNDB
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KORG - Wavestate Native v1.0.3
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TAQS.IM - Solo v1.2.12 STANDAL
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Native Instruments - Session B
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Nord Stage 3 Ultimate Stage Pi
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VSTbuzz - The Showroom Violin
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Toontrack - EZbass v1.1.3 STAN
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