Native Instruments - Play Series: Stacks 1.0.0 (KONTAKT)

Native Instruments - Play Series: Stacks 1.0.0 для KONTAKT объединяет текстуры и органические сэмплы с оттенком соул-жанра культового андеграундного хип-хопа. STACKS сочетает звуки 2000-х с тяжелыми сэмплами хип-хопа в инструменте Play Series, наполненном соло, струнными, духовыми инструментами, басом и звуками под влиянием старомодного звука.

Native Instruments - Play Series: Stacks 1.0.0 for KONTAKT brings together dusty textures and organic samples with a touch of the soul genre of the cult underground hip-hop. STACKS combines 2000s sounds with heavy hip-hop samples into a Play Series instrument filled with solos, strings, brass, bass and sounds influenced by old-fashioned sound.


Native Instruments - Play Series: Stacks 1.0.0 (KONTAKT)

With Native Instruments - Play Series: Stacks 1.0.0 you immerse yourself in the same sounds you remember from precious old school memories - electric keyboards, organs, glocks, strings, horns, live bass, and more - with resampling and processing with tape recorders and equipment.

Think funk collages mixed with lo-fi soul, pop lines and organic bass, created for the art of beatmaking.
When inspiration comes, just play. Play Series instruments deliver excellent sound quality in an easy-to-use interface. Each one has a distinctive sound and character, offering a wide selection of carefully designed presets and controls for modifying them. Whether you are a production newbie or a seasoned pro, Play Series can inspire new tracks.
STACKS strives to balance intuitive, performance-oriented controls with thoughtful sound design. Macros offer fast and dynamic control of the synthesizer engine, allowing you to quickly shape presets and customize your own sounds. For those looking to delve deeper into sound design, you'll find powerful sound editing tools and custom effects chains that offer added control and inspiration. STACKS also contains an analog style sequencer that can play chords, arpeggios, and melodic rhythm patterns. Ultimately, these instruments are meant to inspire you to create your own sound.
Get Play Series: STACKS to create a beat and get a closer look at the tones and textures hidden inside.

Обновлено 03.01.2023 13:19


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