Cinesamples - Tina Guo Acoustic Cello Legato v1.3 (KONTAKT)Cinesamples - Tina Guo Acoustic Cello Legato v1.3 для КОНТАКТ. Очень эмоциональная акустическая виолончель Тины Го, записанная как патч сольного легато с использованием совершенно новой техники записи и программирования, представляет собой бесшовное легато. Выразительное сольное исполнение Тины на акустической виолончели было запечатлено на сцене подсчета очков MGM в Sony Pictures Studios. Cinesamples - Tina Guo Acoustic Cello Legato v1.3 for KONTAKT. Tina Guo's very emotional acoustic cello, captured as a solo legato patch using a completely new recording and programming technique - presents seamless Legato. Tina's expressive solo acoustic cello performance was captured at the MGM Scoring Stage at Sony Pictures Studios. Download: Cinesamples - Tina Guo Acoustic Cello Legato v1.3 (KONTAKT) for Windows Download: Cinesamples - Tina Guo Acoustic Cello Legato v1.3 (KONTAKT) for MAC OS Tina Guo has developed an international multi-faceted performance and recording career as a classical acoustic cellist, heavy metal electric cellist, erhuist, and composer. Her distinctive sound and improvisatory style have been featured in major motion picture, television, and game scores. Taking her formal training from USC to new musical heights, she enjoys experimenting with a wide range of effects and digital processors, ever expanding upon her sound. As Tina’s distinguishes herself most remarkably through her live musical performances, her numerous appearances on arena stages have naturally taken her around the globe to countries including Denmark, Greece, Sweden, Germany, Russia, Spain, Italy, France, Japan and the UK, among many others. She has lent her talent to live film and game attractions and television events such as the The Grammy Awards, American Idol, Dancing With The Stars, The Sundance and Tenerife Film Festivals, Comic Con and the League of Legends World Championship. Her extensive credit list as a studio musician features acclaimed Hollywood scores such as Inception, Sherlock Holmes, and Iron Man 2. Tina’s cello work (acoustic and electric) can also be heard on major video game titles including Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Diablo III and Grammy-nominated (Best Score Soundtrack for Visual Media) Journey, to name just a few. She is also very well known for her work in television music on Family Guy, The Mentalist, King of the Hill and more, as well as various commercials for United Airlines, Mazda, Apple iPhone and more. Tina performs on her Gand & Bernadel Cello made in Paris, France in 1880. On electric cello, she plays a customized Yamaha SVC-210 as a Yamaha Performing Artist, and exclusively through ENGL amps. Tina also plays an Erhu made in Shanghai, China. THE PATCH Upon purchase of this patch, you will receive a coupon for $99 off the complete Artist Series: Tina Guo sound library as well, if you choose to expand your Tina Guo sound palette tenfold! CINESAMPLES' ADAPTIVE LEGATO ENGINE - NEW IN v1.2! TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS
Обновлено 08.05.2022 13:31 |
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Только музыка всегда!
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Клевый сэмплер
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Проверено - работает !
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gracias por compartir
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tut ranshe bilo drugie faili.. i oni sostoiali iz...
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