Garritan Personal Orchestra - оркестровая библиотека.Набор Garritan Personal Orchestra состоит из оркестровой библиотеки семплов, семпл-плеера Native Instrument Kontakt Player, программы нотации GenieSoft Overture SE, секвенсора Steinberg Cubasis VST (PC), ревербератора Ambience Reverb. Представлены семплы всех инструментов современного оркестра. Можно использовать в автономном режиме или в качестве плагина формата VST, DXi, RTAS. Скачать/download: Garritan Personal Orchestra part 1 Garritan Personal Orchestra part 2 Garritan Personal Orchestra part 3 Garritan Personal Orchestra part 4 Garritan Personal Orchestra part 5 Garritan Personal Orchestra part 6 Garritan Personal Orchestra part 7 Garritan Personal Orchestra part 8 Garritan Personal Orchestra part 9 Garritan Personal Orchestra part 10 Системные требования: Ниже представлен список инструментов, входящих в Garritan Personal Orchestra: KEYBOARDS and HARP: Steinway Concert Grand Piano, Steinway Piano Lite, Steinway Piano, Piano Duo1 & Duo2, Harpsichord KS (mute, bright & mellow), Concert Pipe Organ with 3 manuals and 11 stops, Chromatic Harp 1 (Venus), Chromatic Harp 2 (Wurlitzer), Glissando Harp 1 (with MIDI packets for glissando), Glissando Harp 2, Harp Harmonics 1, Harp Harmonics 2, BRASS: Solo French Horn 1, Solo French Horn 2, 6 Horns for Ensembles, 2 additional Horn f & ff Overlays (for an 8 horn section), Solo Trumpet 1, Solo Trumpet 2, 3 Trumpets for Ensembles, Solo Trumpet Mute, 3 Muted Trumpets for Ensembles , Trumpet Overlay, Piccolo Trumpet , Solo French Horn Mute, 3 Muted Horns for Ensembles , Solo Tenor Trombone , 3 Trombones for Ensembles , Solo Trombone Mute, 3 Muted Trombones for Ensembles , Trombone Overlay, Solo Bass Trombone 1, Solo Bass Trombone 2, Solo Tuba 1, Solo Tuba 2, Tuba Overlay, Solo Contrabass Tuba STRING SECTION INSTRUMENTS: 1st Violin Section (12 Players): Vln 1 Lush Vln 1 Lush Mutes (Sordino), Vlns 1 Pizzicato, Vlns 1 Short Bows, Vlns 1 Sustain+Short, Vlns 1 Sustain+Short Mutes, Vlns 1 Tremolo, Vlns 1 Trills Half, Vlns 1 Trills Whole, Vlns 1 KS Combo. 2nd Violin Section (10 Players): Vln 2 Lush (10 Players), Vln 2 Lush Mutes, Vlns 2 Pizzicato, Vlns 2 Short Bows, Vlns 2 Sustain+Short, Vlns 2 Sustain+Short Mutes, Vlns 2 Tremolo, Vlns 2 Trills Half, Vlns 2 Trills Whole, Vlns 2 KS Combo. Viola Section (10 Players): Violas Lush, Violas Lush Mutes, Violas Pizzicato, Violas Short Bows, Violas Sustain+Short, Violas Sustain+Short Mutes, Violas Tremolo, Violas Trills Half, Violas Trills Whole, Violas KS Combo, Cello Section (8 Players): Cellos Lush, Cellos Lush Mutes, Cellos Pizzicato, Cellos Short Bows, Cellos Sustain+Short, Cellos Sustain+Short Mutes, Cellos Tremolo, Cellos Trills Half, Cellos Trills Whole Cellos KS Combo. Double Bass Section (7 Players): Basses Lush, Basses Lush Mutes, Basses Pizzicato, Basses Short Bows Basses Sustain+Short, Basses Sustain+Short Mutes, Basses KS Combo, Basses Tremolo. SOLO STRINGED INSTRUMENTS: Solo Stradivari Violin, Solo Gagliano Violin, Solo Guarneri Violin, 9 Violins for Creating Ensembles, Solo Viola, 3 Violas for Ensembles, Solo Cello 1, Solo Cello 2, Solo Cello 3, 9 Cellos for Creating Ensembles, Solo Double Bass, 3 Basses for Creating Ensembers WOODWINDS: Piccolo, Solo Flute, 3 Flutes for Ensembles, Alto Flute, 3 Alto Flutes for Ensembles, Bass Flute, Solo Oboe 1, Solo Oboe 2, Solo Oboe 3, 3 Oboes for Ensembles, Oboe D'Amore, Solo English Horn 1, Solo English Horn 2, Solo Bb Clarinet, 3 Clarinets for Ensembles, Eb Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, 3 Bass Clarinets for Ensembles, Solo Contrabass Clarinet, Solo Bassoon 1, Solo Bassoon 2, 3 Bassoons for Ensembles, Solo Contrabassoon 1, Solo Contrabassoon 2 PERCUSSION: Bass Drum (with adjustable fundamental), Crotales, Orchestral Cymbals (gongs, tam-tam, piatti cymbals, various size cymbals, hits and crescendos), Glass Harmonica, Glockenspiel, Handbells, Marimba, Grand Symphonic Marimba, Handbells, Assorted Percussion Toys (cowbells, gourds, shakers, tambourine, castanets, ratchet, sleigh bells, claves, triangles, etc.) Snares (side, snare & rolls), Timpani, Tubular Bells, Vibraphone, Wind Machine, Xylophone, Basic Orchestral Percussion Combination
Обновлено 03.12.2014 20:16 |
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Только музыка всегда!
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Клевый сэмплер
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Проверено - работает !
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gracias por compartir
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tut ranshe bilo drugie faili.. i oni sostoiali iz...
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