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IK Multimedia - MODO BASS 1.0.2 (WIN.OSX x64)

IK Multimedia - MODO BASS v.1.0.2 это не просто очередной виртуальный инструмент, а полноценная новая технология, суть которой заключается в полном моделировании всех процессов и действий, происходящих во время игры на басу. Обычные VST-инструменты основаны на семплах, а суть их работы заключается в простой активации необходимых семплов музыкантом. Новый продукт IK Multimedia IK Multimedia - MODO BASS фокусируется на воссоздании физических характеристик реального инструмента, то есть всех тех вещей, которые дают понять, какой инструмент в данный момент звучит — реальный или виртуальный. IK Multimedia - MODO BASS v.1.0.2 is not just another virtual instrument, which is already full on the market, but a full-fledged new technology, the essence of which is the complete modeling of all processes and actions occurring during the game on bass.


IK Multimedia - MODO BASS 1.0.2


IK Multimedia - MODO BASS 1.0.2


IK Multimedia Modo Bass is not just another virtual instrument, which is already full on the market, but a full-fledged new technology, the essence of which is the complete modeling of all processes and actions occurring during the game on bass. Ordinary VST-tools are based on samples, and the essence of their work consists in simple activation of necessary samples by the musician. The new IK Multimedia product focuses on recreating the physical characteristics of a real instrument, that is, all those things that make it clear which instrument is currently playing - real or virtual.

Professional musicians, bassists and composers participated in the development, and the total time it took for the company to create the product is more than 8 years. The developers proudly note that MODO BASS is ready to offer musicians the best of both worlds: the realism of sound, as when playing a professional musician, as well as the convenience and flexibility of a virtual instrument.

Обновлено 29.07.2018 19:26


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