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Tovusound - Edward Ultimate Suite (KONTAKT)

Tovusound - Edward Ultimate Suite для KONTAKT - это, пожалуй, самый обширный инструмент звукового пространства, и для него не требуется никакого дополнительного дорогостоящего программного обеспечения. От хэви-метала, старого дерева лодок до песчаной почвы, скрипучей кожи, точного движения пистолета, шелестов сумок и пальто - эта библиотека содержит все это.

Tovusound - Edward Ultimate Suite for KONTAKT this is probably the most extensive sound space tool and it does not need any additional expensive software. From heavy metal, old boat wood to sandy soil, creaky skin, precise pistol movement, rustles of bags and coats - this library contains it all.


Tovusound - Edward Ultimate Suite (KONTAKT) part 1

Tovusound - Edward Ultimate Suite (KONTAKT) part 2

Tovusound - Edward Ultimate Suite (KONTAKT) part 3

Tovusound - Edward Ultimate Suite (KONTAKT) part 4


72,600 samples: The Edward Ultimate SUITE includes 72,600 recorded and well-edited noise sounds. Recorded on the most advanced equipment in a professional environment at 48,000 Hz and 24 bits.
90 variations: Edward Ultimate SUITE comes with 60 different combinations of shoes and surfaces, 18 clothes and 12 butophories, which instantly give you access to a professional arsenal of noise generator capabilities.
13 kinds of movements: Three different walking speeds plus jogging and running, stairs, trampling, ground, shuffling and three types of scrapes! All varieties are assigned to special keyboard keys for real-time playback.
2 decks: Shrouded sounds are the most effective way to get the desired sound. The Edward Ultimate interface includes two decks, each of which can load settings of the other for endless possibilities for mixing or changing the sound.
Stunt with height: Do not stretch your fingers until it stops - use the height wheel to play the general variations during performance. Use the top and bottom menus to select the performance that will be played when using the pitch control wheel.

Mix the modulation wheel: Use the modulation wheel on the keyboard as a crossfader, to move and mix between the two decks. Alternatively, mix two fabrics or shoes to maintain them throughout the performance or to create a completely new sound.
Eliminate randomness: Improve your workflow by retaining the initial clip template. Edward will always play the same template settings. Use the fader to adjust the master sound.
Adjustable delay: If you want to mix two or more objects together or just want to apply a delay to the sounds of the steps in your session, the delay fader can be very useful.
Perfection with EDV3RB: Steps must match the environment where the action takes place. Edward uses impulse EdV3rb inside the tool. This is useful for archiving the desired atmosphere and makes EdV3rb a perfect addition.

Обновлено 15.10.2024 11:17


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