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Paper Stone Instruments - Marimba (KONTAKT)

Paper Stone Instruments - Marimba виртуальный инструмент, записанный известным художником Робертом ван Сайсом. Маримба из розового дерева была интенсивно сэмплирована в кинематографической живой комнате, чтобы воссоздать аутентичный звук этого прекрасного инструмента с использованием 9 микрофонов и до 23 уровней скорости нажатия.

Paper Stone Instruments - Marimba is a virtual instrument recorded by renowned artist Robert van Sice. Rosewood Marimba was intensively sampled in cinematic live room to recreate the authentic sound of this beautiful instrument, using 9 microphones and with up to 23 velocity levels.


Paper Stone Instruments - Marimba (KONTAKT) part 1

Paper Stone Instruments - Marimba (KONTAKT) part 2

Paper Stone Instruments - Marimba (KONTAKT) part 3


Phase equalization of the sound was important for the sound to provide a focused tone; this had to be done for each note. The end result is an audiophilic, but at the same time characteristic world-class play.

To do justice to this 6 foot long Marimba we felt it was necessary to capture its sound using 5 microphone positions. Only this would convey its full tone and feel and also allow for endless acoustic possibilities in the mix.

Using the faders on the GUI the user can create the optimal blend of 'Centre', 'Stereo', 'Wide', 'Ribbon' & 'Room' mics for their purposes.

Close Mics
Center (Neumann TLM 103)
Stereo (Neumann KM184 pair)
Wide (AKG C414 B-ULS pair)

Ambient Mics
Ribbon (Coles 4038 pair)
Room (Neumann u87 pair)

Each note of a Robert Van Sice Artist Series 4 & 1/3 Octave Rosewood Marimba was intensively sampled in our cinematic live room to recreate the authentic sound of this beautiful instrument, using 9 microphones and with up to 23 velocity levels.

There are 2 main instruments:

'Main' with felt beaters (contains rolls and straight hits)
'Soft' with softer beater (contains rolls and straight hits)
There are also 2 patches which contain the rolls without the standard hits, for times when you need just the roll.

The Main instruments also have have a 'Less Stereo Width' version with a narrower stereo field- for situations where the natural width of the instrument needs to be reduced.

There are also 5 bonus patches which have a a hard rubber beater, drag strokes with a felt beater and 5th,Minor 3rd and Major 3rd intervals also with the standard felt beater.

We also wanted to represent the varying tones and effects created by different beaters and hitting techniques, and so have created nkis featuring Felt beaters, Soft Felt beaters and Rubber beaters, plus straight hits, rolls and drags.

Обновлено 08.04.2024 10:51


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